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Disclosure pursuant to the Media Act and information pursuant to the E-Commerce Act

Operator & Media Owner: Cushman & Wakefield | CBS International GmbH, Schreyvogelgasse 2/1.OG, 1010 Vienna
An independently owned and operated affiliate of Cushman & Wakefield

Company Register Number: FN 611115z

Commercial Register Court: Vienna Commercial Court

UID Number: ATU 79917556

Business Licence: Real estate trustee, limited to real estate agent

Managing Director: Thomas Schanda, M.A.

Chamber: Member of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce

Professional Association: Professional group of property and asset trustees

Business Purpose: Services as a real estate agent and property trustee, Property Management including Property management Property valuation, Consulting and ProjectManagement services Provision of services of all kinds


Copyright: The content and programmes on this website are protected by copyright by the media owner. All rights reserved. Information on this website, including texts, images and sound, may not be reproduced, transferred, distributed or stored, unless expressly stated otherwise. Modifications to the content of this website are expressly prohibited.

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The media owner expressly distances itself from the content of all linked external sites and does not adopt this content as its own.
This declaration applies to all external links.

Data Privacy policy for clients
Privacy Notice – Staff Related Personnel Data